• Best Station
  • Best Female (Nikki Osborne)
  • Best Entertainment Programme (The Specials)
  • Best Journalistic Programming (The Pulse)
  • Best Sports Programming (Referee Abuse Special)
  • Best Multiplatform (The Lightning Draft)
  • Best Sports Programming (The Thursday Sports Show)
  • Best Podcast (Jack Theroux)
  • Best Speech Programming (URN Culture)
  • Best Interview (Nick Sutton-Smith)
  • The Kevin Greening Creativity Award (The Lightning Draft)
  • Best Female (Ella Wydrzynska)
  • Best Entertainment Programme (Campaign Relief)

  • Best Station

  • Best Station
  • Best Newcomer (James Turner)
  • Best Newcomer (Gabrielle Morris)

  • Best Technical Achievement (OB One)

  • Best Speech (The Science Show - A Brief History of You)

  • Best Station
  • Best Journalistic Programming (The Science Show)
  • Best Marketing and Station Sound

  • Best Station
  • Best Marketing and Station Sound
  • Best Journalistic Programming (The Pulse - The Truth about Taxis)
  • Best Journalistic Programming (The Pulse - Who's Lenton Is It?)
  • Best Newcomer (Unknown)
  • Best Journalistic Programming (The Pulse - Who's Protecting Who?)

  • Best Station
  • Best Journalistic Programming (The Pulse)
  • Best Live Event or OB (Unknown)